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What a beautiful, lighthearted, easy going day today was!

Praising God for days like today when I can slow down and take in the wonder of this amazing world he has made for us!

Another happy note: COUNTDOWNS!!

SUMMER: 24 days
EASTER!!!!(i love Easter!!): 4 days

I hope you've had an awesome, beautiful day as well.


I've been in a lovey state of mind lately. It most likely stems from the ever-growing love I have for my amazing boyfriend, who has really been so wonderful and supportive in the last couple weeks as I have stressed and complained about my dread and worry about the PCAT. Not only that, I feel like our relationship has taken a huge step forward, and I'm so happy with where we are right now. I wouldn't change a single thing..well besides the separate schools thing. I'm just so happy! and I love him so much :)

In addition to my wonderful relationship putting me into this state of mind, my beautiful best friend Jordan is now engaged! ENGAGED!! I am so happy for her. She deserves the best, and she has found it! I'm so excited!!

God has been speaking to me through several people, and when I take a second to pause my busy mind, I see right in front of me all of the blessings he has poured into my life. Yeah, I'm stressed out, but most of that is my own stupid fault. I've gotta learn to apply the gifts He has given me to my every day. For one I'd be less stressed out and worried about myself.. But also, I don't deserve any of those things I've been graciously given, and I have gotta learn to turn them around and give them back. It's so easy in a place as huge as U of A to blend into the crowd and block out the people around me and not pay attention. I wanna be different.

I've had a greeeat weekend home. These weekends are never long enough...Tomorrow is back to Fay, but hopefully I'll be taking a new attitude with me. The PCAT is done, and I have some room to relax :)

Have a rad week. Love someone.

Sophomore YEAR!

I'm in a really good mood.

Great week so far. I love the apartment and my Roomie.
PCAT is in 7 WEEKS. pray for me, please. i'm freakin out, dude.
I miss my boyfriend. A whole lot. 9 Days!

So excited about this weather! Can't wait for fall :):):)

"Great peace have they who love Your law, and nothing can make them stumble." Psalm 119:165

Eyes on the Prize.

....my new motto?

I have a lot of great motivation to kick some butt this year. I'm off to a good start :)

Random thoughts.

Oh my goodness, tomorrow is AUGUST!! The month of change, excitement, sadness, and joy! Summer class is ending, I get to see my camp friends, move into my apartment, start my sophomore and final year in fayetteville, study for the PCAT, aaaannnd leave my beloved man behind for a year of a distance relationship. see? it's bittersweet, i know.

What an odd summer this has been...
Camp was AMAZING. I love that place. The Lord's works are everywhere you look! From the staff and counselors to the hearts of the kids, His hand is constantly at work and His Spirit moving! I really stepped out of my box and grew there. I miss it so much. I made some wonderful friends, and I'm so excited to hang out with the Fayetteville and nearby ones throughout the year!
Camp isn't the reason the summer was odd, even though I'd never done anything like it before. Last summer I didn't believe that it was our final one together as a group of friends. I haven't even seen or spoken to half of my dear high school friends all summer. It's so sad. I love them. College shouldn't create this much trouble to get together!! Hope they are doing well.

Verse of the Day:
''Yet to all who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God—children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband's will, but born of God.'' John 1:12-13


I'm finished with Camp. Now what? I dont remember what I'm supposed to do during the summer....

So Close.

Summer. is. literally. 3 days away.
I managed an A in Comp II!!!! Miracle. I feel bad for being lucky at school. It makes people hate me...I'm really NOT that intelligent.

I've been learning/realizing things about relationships lately. The best ones come out of nowhere and are the best because you are 100% you. You don't care if they think you're a dork. I'm one of the biggest dorks I know! When I meet people it's hard for me to let that side show...Why? because some people inhibit my abilities somehow. I need a force shield. Also, in college, most of the relationships I've established are closer than the ones I've been making for years. It's very interestingly awesome. As this school year comes to a close, I'd like to say how thankful I am for everything that has happened to me in the past 9 months. I've opened my mind to many new things, hookah and black and milds for example. (but not all the time of course!) I've grown up. I've met some AMAAAZING people who will be in my life for a long time. I've gonna miss them this summer. Next year, when I come back--I'll have even more fun, but I'll also have to grow up a lot more and be mature about things I can't control. I'm still going to stand for the same things, though. If I dont, you better hold me to it!

Ready for a Hype summer!!

War Eagle: 19 Days
Lake: 59ish days
Tay's House: so so close.



Today I Had!!:
*Chem test: 88%. SCORE.
*Spanish Listening final. My teacher teared up as she told us goodbye forever...sad.
*Last day of my last math class ever...also very sad. I LOVE MATH, OKAY??
*Last Lab: was there for literally 5 minutes. turned in the notebook and jetted.

However, now:
*Edit/Rewrite my Paper for a stricter, more controversial thesis. This is the last one. I repeat, this is my last paper of my last English class ever. BINGO!!

Annnnnnnd!!!!! Friday is dead day. Annnnnnd Saturday after mi examen final del espanol, i get to go to TOAD SUCK DAZZZE and cheer on my buddy Osh-Kosh B'Gosh, yuh heard?

Woo! now i'm going to retreat to the study room and write this sheeeet of paper:)

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